Author: Addie Owen

  • How To Meal Plan for Fastpacking Trips

    How To Meal Plan for Fastpacking Trips

    Before you head out on your next fastpacking adventure, you will want to pack an adequate amount of food. This way, you will ensure your body has enough nutrition. The tricky part is packing high-calorie foods that deliver efficient amounts of energy while remaining low weight so as not to break your pack weight limits.…

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  • 8 Fastpacking Camping Tips

    8 Fastpacking Camping Tips

    Fastpacking is terrific fun and lets you explore much greater distances than you would from traditional backpacking. One of the hardest things to get right when backpacking is the camping aspect, which is ten times harder when fastpacking.  This is because you have to go as ultralight as possible, and you may be in more…

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  • The 9 Rules of Fastpacking

    The 9 Rules of Fastpacking

    Fastpacking is an excellent option to think about for all nature and fitness lovers. Fastpacking allows you to explore more of your route in a shorter amount of time, but it also gives you a chance to sleep beneath the stars and camp for a few nights.  Regardless if you are a new or experienced…

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  • How Much Does Fastpacking Cost? Gear Breakdown & List

    How Much Does Fastpacking Cost? Gear Breakdown & List

    Costs might add up during a fastpacking trip. Camping gear, including sleeping bags, backpacks, and tents, are essential for a safe and enjoyable fastpacking adventure. Equipment for fastpacking is similar to that for traditional backpacking, with the caveat that it must be as lightweight as possible. As one might guess, this means costlier gear. Below…

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  • 9 Healthy Fastpacking Snacks & Ideas

    9 Healthy Fastpacking Snacks & Ideas

    Whether you’re a long-distance hiker or a weekend backpacker looking to cut down on the weight you’re carrying, you don’t have to stick to energy gels and protein bars to go ultralight, and the same goes for Fastpacking.  Naturally, on many lightweight fastpacking, you can pack food for convenience. Still, with some thinking and preparation,…

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  • 6 Best Water Purifiers for Fastpacking

    6 Best Water Purifiers for Fastpacking

    Having a way to have access to natural drinking water is vital for backpackers. It allows you to drink from streams, rivers, and lakes while on multi-day hikes.  It is even more critical for fastpackers. Fastpackers might be out just as long, but they need to travel lighter, so they will likely carry less water. …

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  • Fastpacking & Supplements | What Helps?

    Fastpacking & Supplements | What Helps?

    As a rule of thumb, I believe you should get all your nutrition from whole-natural foods like animal protein, fruit, and a few vegetables. However, even at home, a little supplementation is required; for example, I class good quality salt like Redmond Real Salt as a supplement. On a Fastpacking adventure, my views change a…

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  • Fastpacking vs. Ultralight | What’s the Difference?

    Fastpacking vs. Ultralight | What’s the Difference?

    Not all fastpackers are ultralight, and not all ultralight backpackers are fastpackers… but they all often carry similar gear.  I explain the main differences between fastpacking and ultralight and how they will influence your decisions on planning, gear, and level of fun! Let’s dive in. What is fastpacking Fastpacking is a thrilling outdoor activity that…

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  • How to Sleep Fastpacking | The Ultimate Sleep System Guide

    How to Sleep Fastpacking | The Ultimate Sleep System Guide

    Fastpacking, for those that don’t know, is a way to move along a trail with everything on your back. You are backpacking but fast, where you run and hike rather bimble along.  With this in mind, you have to travel light, well you have to travel ultralight with a 30-35l fastpacking bag usually.  Even though…

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  • Fastpacking & Nutrition | Must Have Food List

    Fastpacking & Nutrition | Must Have Food List

    Knowing what foods to take and how much to take could be the deciding factor in the success of a fastpacking trip. You will carry more food than anything else in your pack if it is a multiple-day fastpacking trip. As an avid fastpacker, I share with you what I do when planning to prepare…

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